2020年10月7日 星期三

【文章翻譯】世界首發,塑膠動力船誕生 World’s First Catamaran Propelled By Plastic Waste Coming To Life

 The Ulysse catamaran of the Plastic Odyssey project inaugurated in Concarneau on June 17, 2018, in Finistère. Fight against ocean pollution by traveling around the world on a catamaran propelled by plastic waste: this is the challenge of the Plastic Odyssey project, which has just launched its prototype.

尤利西斯*1正式在2018年7月17號於法國孔卡爾諾啟用。(菲尼斯泰爾省) 利用可回收的塑膠垃圾來驅動船舶環遊世界、防治海洋汙染正是『塑膠奧德賽計畫』的挑戰,如今它已完成了概念船。

Dubbed “Ulysses”, the demonstrator boat 6 meters long inaugurated a few days ago in Concarneau in Brittany (western France) prefigures a catamaran of 25 meters supposed to go to sea in March 2020.


“An extraordinary project,” greeted the French Secretary of State for the Transition Ecologique Brune Poirson, baptizing the boat Friday. “You are the economy of tomorrow,” she added to the four young men between 24 and 30 years behind the project.

「真是一樣卓越的計畫!」法國生態永續發展暨能源部的國務卿-布魯恩·鮑爾森(Brune Poirson)在禮拜五的洗禮儀式中表示。「你們就是國家經濟的未來」她向著年紀在24~30之間年輕的幕後團隊說道。

The idea was born a few years ago, in Dakar, Senegal, says Simon Bernard, 27 years old, officer of the merchant navy. “We saw plastic everywhere and people looking for a job to survive, and we thought we needed to make recycling more accessible,” he says.


The goal of “Ulysses” is not to clean the oceans, already largely polluted by plastic. Indeed, “once at sea, it is too late: only 1% of plastic waste floats on the surface”, emphasize its designers. “The remaining 99% break down into microparticles and line the seabed”.


“So, how do we make sure that the plastic does not arrive in the ocean? We must turn off the tap,” said the leader of the expedition.


Hence the idea of a boat that, through a journey of three years and 33 stages, will primarily raise awareness of the reuse, sorting and recycling of plastic, including offering free of charge machines for create objects from waste.


According to the UN, only 9 percent of the nine billion tons of plastic the world has produced were recycled and 12 percent was incinerated. The rest has ended in landfills, oceans, pipelines, where it will take thousands of years to completely decompose.


“Swiss knife of recycling” 回收界的萬用瑞士刀

“The goal is to provide a kind of Swiss recycling knife” at affordable prices for emerging countries, says Simon Bernard, presenting crusher, compressor, extruder and sorting sensor, which will be offered in Africa, Asia and Latin America where does most of the plastic spilt into the ocean come from?


“You need viable business models so that these machines do not stay in a garage,” he says.


The plastic that can not be recycled will be turned into fuel thanks to the “plastic pyrolysis” and will feed the catamaran for the rest of its odyssey.


Built-in particular to test this plastic-fuel system, the demonstrator Ulysse is also “the first boat in the world to advance to plastic waste,” according to its designers. The prototype has a capacity of 5 kg/hour of treated plastic, for a production of 3 liters of diesel and 2 liters of gasoline maximum.


“We do not promote pyrolysis as the flagship of our expedition but we are convinced that there is a market to develop,” said Benjamin de Molliens, responsible “partnerships” of the expedition.


According to him, the price of “plastic-fuel” should be “competitive or even cheaper than the price at the pump” in countries like Mozambique or Senegal.


The project, with a total cost of 11 million euros, was in its initial phase financed by private sponsors (Clarins, Crédit Agricole, Veolia, etc.). But funds are not yet raised for the construction of the boat, supposed to start in September.


“The hard part is getting started, and now we are on the move,” says Simon Bernard. “We are starting to have people who contact us from all over the world: African entrepreneurs, a Costa Rican researcher …”


Next step: a tour of France with the prototype to promote the project and find funding.



*1 Ulysse catamaran:直翻=尤利西斯雙體船,在此譯作尤利西斯號。尤利西斯是《奧德賽飄流記》的主角為古希臘史詩。
Transition Ecologique :法國生態永續發展暨能源部
Merchant navy:


原作者:  | In: Shipping News | Last Updated on 

1 則留言:

  1. 最近幾年我很關注新能源,塑膠燃料並不是很新的技術,上述公司甚至稱他是LOW-TECH低技術,畢竟需要達到熱裂解還是需要其他燃料加溫與催化劑,要達到商業實用還有很多需要突破的技術。尤利西斯號的誕生背景是歐盟禁止大量塑膠垃圾產生、2050年目標達到碳中和、環保能量抬頭,我覺得『塑膠奧德賽計畫』與其說是一艘新概念船舶,不如說是一段警惕世人的史詩。
